St. Catherine of Siena Parish
Farmingdale, New Jersey
Youth Group Photos
Congratulations to Deacon Dan Sakowski (pdf)
2014 - Youth Group Car Wash
2014 - Simbang Gabi
2014 - Rosary Trip to Sight-Sound
2014 - RCIA
2014 - Parish Mission
2014 - Palm Sunday-Holy Week-Easter
2014 - Ministry Fair - September 13-14
2014 - Mass of Thanksgiving - June 8
2014 - Lenten Supper - Stations 6
2014 - Lenten Supper - Stations 5
2014 - Lenten Supper - Stations 4
2014 - Lenten Supper - Stations 3
2014 - Lenten Supper - Stations 2
2014 - Lenten Supper - Stations 1
2014 - Fall Harvest Parish Picnic
2014 - Decorating for Christmas
2014 - Deacon Dan's Reception - June 8
2014 - Confirmation
2014 - Christmas Carol Festival
2014 - Breakfast with Santa
2014 - Blue Claws Game - July 13
2014 - Advent Prayer Services
100 Year Anniversary Potluck