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St. Catherine of Siena Parish Farmingdale, New Jersey | ||||||||
Offertory Envelopes Offertory envelopes enable the Parish to maintain up-to-date records of those members who are actively attending and supporting the Parish, while showing your deep commitment and support of Parish goals and helping to meet our financial obligations. The use of envelopes also aids us in responding to your individual requests for Certificates of Sponsorship for Baptism and Confirmation and other church-related matters. We offer our parishioners the option of online giving through the WeShare program as a convenient method of making simple and consistent donations. This option is of your own personal choice and can be updated at any time. If you have questions, please feel free to reach out to a member of our Finance Committee through the Parish Office. | ||||||||
© 2024 Saint Catherine's - 31 Asbury Road, Farmingdale, New Jersey 07727 | phone: 732-938-5375 | fax: 732-938-3260 | ||||||||