St. Catherine of Siena Parish
Farmingdale, New Jersey

Holy Week Reflection from Fr Angelito


Graphic of JesusGreetings of peace and love as we welcome in Holy Week. As one Catholic and Apostolic Church, we celebrate the mysteries of our faith, the Holy Eucharist, the Passion, Death and Resurrection of our Lord. Let us put aside our fears, and anxieties and turn inward to journey with the Lord to the Cross.

In the Old Testament, the Book of Malachi, we come across the verse: “He shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver.” (Malachi 3:3) Just as a silversmith must sit and carefully watch the silver being purified in the furnace, so too will the Lord lovingly watch over us as we go through the TRIALS that purify us, and just as the silversmith knows that the purifying process is over when he can already see his IMAGE on the silver, so too will our purification be over when God can see His image in us, and we can see Him in each other.

God is fixing the world and fixing you and me. With all honesty and humility, let us ask ourselves: Have I come closer to God? Have I now become a better person? What about our families? Have we become a better one? Have we become a better nation? Have we become a better world? In reading the Bible verse, Malachi 3:3, we understand that even though we go through hardships, trials and tests, sometimes not knowing why we go through these bitter hardships, we will not be destroyed but saved. One day we will come to understand that it was God’s love that did it.

But remember this Holy Week is not just about looking in, but also reaching out. In fact, I know of a friend who decided to write, text, call people just to say hello and to tell them “thank you,” “I am sorry,” “you matter to me.” Or in other words, go the extra mile, so that others can smile. Let us stay connected with each other and with the Lord our God.

As our Lenten journey concludes, let us recall Pope Francis’ words on true fasting for Lent! “Fast from hurting words and say kind words; fast from sadness and be filled with gratitude; fast from anger and be filled with patience; fast from pessimism and be filled with hope; fast from worries and trust in God; fast from complaints and contemplate on simplicity; fast from pressures and be prayerful; fast from bitterness and fill your heart with joy; fast from selfishness and be compassionate to others; fast from grudges and be reconciled; fast from words and be silent so that you can listen.”

People are a gift and as Pope Francis teaches us “each life we encounter is a gift deserving of acceptance, respect and love.” What a powerful message! As I pray, reflecting on what we are facing and experiencing as a parish family, I would like to personally thank our parishioners. My heart is moved by the outpouring of love and support received in the numerous calls, texts and cards. My heart is moved by the service of love from each of you for all the non-perishable food donations collected to help serve the less fortunate.

The Holy Spirit continues to unite us in prayer and worship. I thank you for your unwavering support of our parish through mailing in your financial offertory gifts, as well as those who have transitioned to online giving. I am moved by your commitment and appreciative for your continued gifts. Our faith community is completely dependent on the financial support of our parishioners. Without it our parish cannot pay its bills or cover payroll. Critical services we provide may not be sustainable, and people in need can negatively be affected.

When we face a time of crisis, one of our first instincts is to make sure that our families are provided for. Please remember your family of faith – also needs your concern and support. I respectfully request, that families who are in a stable position, please continue to support our parish efforts by mailing in your offertory envelopes or sign up for online giving at WeShare.

Our parish staff is working hard to keep our parish family connected, offer pastoral care, serve the poor and continue to feed our parish family spiritually. This crisis will pass, and while we wait, I invite you, along with your family and friends, to join us online with a live streaming of our Paschal Triduum. To connect, please visit our Parish YouTube Channel, and check the diocesan website for a listing of Diocesan Livestream Masses.

Jesus, the light of the world, will conquer the darkness of our troubled world, and I remain optimistic in the hope of the Resurrection to give us renewed life and joy. Let us place our hope and trust in our heavenly Father. Amen.

May God bless you,

Father Angelito

Altar with Flowers