St. Catherine of Siena Parish
Farmingdale, New Jersey

Cohort 11 Core Team Plan

Faith in Our Future


The Core Team members from St. Catherine’s have met with their counterparts from St. William the Abbott and St. Veronica’s. Together, the three parishes make up Cohort 11, and are one of 26 cohorts across the diocese that have been tasked with making recommendations with regards to ongoing structure and operations of the parishes in each respective Cohort.
St.Catherine’s has endorsed a plan of action that creates a collaborative model amongst the parishes in the cohort. The collaborative model centers around sharing resources and ideas. Specifically, our model includes collaborative fundraising efforts, possible joint ministries, and sharing of financial best practices.
St. Catherine’s has proven to be a strong, vibrant parish with much to offer, and the Core Team is looking forward to completing the planning process over the next 12 months. In the upcoming weeks, we can expect to receive feedback from the diocesan planning council on our recommendations.
For additional information, please e-mail the Core Team at