St. Catherine of Siena Parish
Farmingdale, New Jersey


19th Annual Mother’s Day Baby Shower 2015
Sponsored by St. Catherine’s Rosary Altar Society

Please bring your new or handmade donations to Masses on APRIL 18/19, 25/26 and MAY 2/3

Diapers - bigger sizes
Crib Sheets
Baby towels, Comb, Maternity Tops
Wipes, Wash Cloths and Towels
White Receiving Blankets
Diaper Bags
Summer Toys
Beach Toys
Summer Hats, Sunscreen
Arts and Crafts Supplies
Sleeping Bags - any size
Skin-So-Soft/Insect Repellent
Beach Towels
Kiddie Pool
Kites, Jump Ropes, Jacks
Sidewalk Chalk
Backyard Games/Balls/Bubbles
Gift Cards for Ice Cream
Picture Frames
Clothing, including bathing suits and PJ’s for Girls size 12 & 4T and Boys size 3T

Donations will be given to Birthright of Freehold and to St. Clare's Home for Children, which is sponsored by the Aids Resource Foundation for Children.

Birthright would also welcome volunteers to work one day a week from 10 am – 2 pm.